2023/07/23 予稿集
Serendipitous book explorer using personalized associative dictionaries
2024/08/01 雑誌記事
顔数計:一人称ライフログ映像 からの社会活動計測 ―社会的場における個や組織のウェルビーイングに向けて―
2024/02/06 雑誌記事
Using gamification to activate university library use
Mutual recall between onomatopoeia and motion using doll play corpus
Analysis of relationship between preparation and classroom activities of flipped classroom using worksheets
TextureAda: Deep 3D texture transfer for ideation in product design conceptualization
2022/05/26 予稿集
Classification of daily activities based on the amount of social and physical activity for behavioral change toward wellbeing
2021/02/15 論文誌
2020/09/12 予稿集
Lifelog visualization based on social and physical activities
2020/04/25 予稿集
Are two heads better than one? Exploring two-party conversations for car navigation voice guidance
2020/03/16 予稿集
Facilitating experiential knowledge sharing through situated conversations
2019/06/15 雑誌記事
2019/05/04 予稿集
Exploring factors that influence connected drivers to (not) use or follow recommended optimal routes
2019/03/11 予稿集
Social activity measurement by counting faces captured in first-person view lifelogging video